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Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Yesterday, the class and I learnt how to make these little books from a University student called Penny. We had to make four squares at the same size with folds like a star. We then put the 2 corners together and so on.. We then had a long book like image 3. We used mount board to make a front and back, where I covered it with materials to make them more effective. The first picture is of my class mates work all together.. The first book I made I think is vintage looking, I have used borwn coloured music sheets, brown paper and silk material. I also found a little card piece 'with love' written on it. I thought this went well with my book because of the colours.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


This is an idea I have put together for me to create a poster on my next project. I have got this idea from looking at other photoshop work I have done. I like how the lines are all going the same way and they are basic shapes. I personally like that I have added colour, I've kept this very low as it looks more professional. I created this by setting a black background and using the shape tool to create blocks of colour.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Bridget Riley Work

Here I have looked at the artist Bridget Riley. I liked her work because she does plain and complicated pieces. I have created a few of my own ideas, by using formal elements like shape, line and colour. The first image is 4 panels of my ideas, then the second image is a bigger piece where i have combined all 4 pieces together. The third image I have added a block of colour to become the main focas of the image I have also included letters that spell 'art' I had it like an illusion. The fourth image is a triptych of another idea I put together. I only had two blocks coloured as it looks simple and more professonial. The last image I have is a page with a vary of different sized lines to create a final image.

 Jackson Pollock, 1943

When I first looked at this project I first thought of the artist Jackson Pollock. This is one of his pieces I personally liked. I have done colour blocks using illustrator to show what type of colours that are used in this artwork. From these colours I have created a few of my own pieces. I thought these pieces worked well with brighly coloured background, I have used green and yellow. I used acrylic paints to create these pieces.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Here I have worked on photoshop using shapes and colours to create a wallpaper effect. I have done this by looking at artists that using drawing with light, before I try it I have seen what these colours would look like in a dark background. I feel this has worked because they are vibrant and they stand out. I have created an unusual composition this is so its not too crowded and looks more high standard.