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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Update on Ikea Table.

Just letting my viewers know that the Ikea table Rachel and I had created is in the Cardiff Ikea Exhibition!! We are both very pleased with this and can't wait to see it in the Ikea foyer this week! Pictures will be uploaded of it in the Exhibition very soon!:D

Final Major Project.

For my FMP I am looking at 'identity'
This was after doing my objects project I came up with this idea. I looked at passports and was interested in passport photos. As being interested in photography and choosing that as my specialist area I thought it would be a good idea to focus on portraits and was then interested in looking at fingerprints, scars, gender etc. I have looked at a few photographers an artists like Cindy Sherman, Nan Goldin & Sarah Lucas. I have also researched something called 'cosplay' which is where people dress up as a character and go out an about being that character. I thought this fitted in as the person wearing the costume is hiding their identity an using the characters. I feel this project is going to be a success and I will enjoy it very much :)

Monday, 18 March 2013

Burning Of The Ikea Table.

Here are photographs of the burning of the table. This was a huge success and it didnt completly burn which was a good thing. It went the way we wanted it to go by going along and catching all the matches as it burnt. As you can see from the pictures it was started in one corner and ended in another. The flames were amazing and I was happy with the outcome. Mike the technician was there to help us for safety purposes. We had the flames up for a good five minutes to capture some photos, then Mike had to put it out with the wet blanket before it started to catch on the plastic.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Spiral Tests.

Here was a different shape that we had tried. We tried it in a spiral and the first test wasn't successful, this was because the matches were too close.

This final test in the spiral pattern worked better as I made sure there was enough gap between the matches.

More Tests.

This is another test we done in the same pattern as the last video I uploaded. This was done indoors to try it without wind that effects it. This also didn't work as the matches were too close and it caught across.

This is the final test we done to this pattern. This was the most successful test as we had looked what we had done wrong in the previous tests and changed it in the final one, we measured and made sure it was bigger than the others. This was also done indoors as it was a windy day and it would have effected our test.

Second and Third Tests.

This is the second test we had done. We tried it as a different pattern, This pattern was a square going smaller. This didn't work as well as we thought. This is because the matches were too close together.

The third time we tried it again but a little more spread out. This didn't work as the wind blew the fire into the matches in the middle so it didn't work.

First Match Test.

This is a video of the first test we had done. We first tested as a line to see if all the matches could connect when lit. I feel this worked as it lit the way we wanted it to do. We used different sized matches   to make sure that the matches would catch if we were to do the line on our final.

Ikea Match Tests.

As we were going to burn the matches we had to do some test and samples of our ideas. We tried out different shapes that the matches went in, and to see if all the matches would light next to each other. We had to retest some of the patterns as the matches were too close and would all catch together but we wanted them to light as the pattern. We were also checking to see how long it would take for the clay to dry, as we left it over night the clay cracked along where the matches were.

Ikea Project Progress.

These are the legs of our table, I feel these have work because they are useable and look sophisticated. We have put holes in the box and used thread as the handles to open the drawers.

Ikea Project

Last week my tutor group was put into partners to our specialist areas. We were told we were having an Ikea table that we had to do something with. As I am specialising in photography I was put with Rachel which is specialising in ceramics. We came up with a few ideas and our final was to use matches and burn the table. We were going to cut the legs in half and use the match boxes to fill the legs and use them as drawers. We were then going to but the top of the table off and place matches into clay in the top of the table. From buying some matches we have chose to keep to a primary colour theme.