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Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Resin Piece.

From doing the face drawings I decided to put one of my drawings to resin. I added a flower to my hair to make there be a bit of texture to my piece. I cut a piece of MDF to the size of my photo and moulded it into a plastic case. We used the vacuum former to create the plastic mould to the size of our MDF. We then made up some resin, and poured it in half of the mould and left it for an hour or two. We then added our objects and filled the rest of the mould so that it was completely covered and left it for a day and then popped out the resin casting.I like my final piece as the ink has run and it makes it look effective and it hides my identity.

Stitched Portraits.

These are my two completed pieces. These photographs were printed in the dark room using my ipod. I think these photographs are personal and don't show too much of my identity. 
The first photograph I have stitched the circle pattern using a mixture of different stitches. I feel that the colours work well togther as they are well suited. I thought the pink backstitched circle goes with the green as it fits in and complements the greens. I was looking at the shape in that photo, thats why I used a circle. 
The second photograph I looked at a different kind of stitch. I thought these stitches looked like fingerprints and they are the same size as a thumb. This shape actually came from a wood shape which is used in clay. I drew around it and place it in different ways then added thread to it. I also thought that the stitches were like a tear drop coming out of my eye.
This process is very time consuming but I am sticking with it and doing it as it is an enjoyable process which I have learnt. I think for my first attempt of this process it has worked well for me.

Stitch Ideas.

These are some test stitches I had done in sketch book. This was to see what colours would look right together also looking at the different patterns and stitches that I could do on my final photgraphs. Most of these ideas came from looking at Maurizio Anzeri's work.

Maurizio Anzeri.

Maurizio Anzeri is an Italian-born artist. He made a series of different stitched photographs. He would buy portrait photographs at flea markets and use them to stitch patterns onto. From researching Anzeri I decided to take my own photos using my ipod and developing them in the dark room with a process called iphoneography. After getting a series of photos printed I started to stitch into a self portrait. I used shapes and patterns from Anzeri's pieces. Anzeri uses and stitches on these photos as it is a landscape.
 These are some of his work which I found in one of the craft magazine in college.
My favourite is Marianna, 17.8x24.3cm (the third photo down), this is because I like how the pattern is shown. The circle has made the thread look interesting and it is hard to understand what the photo is underneath. I also like how just the eye is shown. The block looking stitch has made it interesting as it has added colour to the photo and made it more inetersting to look at. I like he has limited the colours to three. Looking at black most then adding red and yellow.

Pottery Wheel Pots.

Herer are the pots I made on the throwing wheel. My first attempt on it didnt go very well so I tried again. The reason for this was because when making it centeral I was squeezing the clay too hard so it was pulling the clay off. For my second attempt I made one with my class friend Samantha, here we both used our hands to create a pot. We both had different jobs making the same pots. I would do the pedal and Sam would do the shaping of the pot. We created a few pots and most of them worked well.



Face Drawings.

Here I have created a few different face drawings. I asked a few people in my class to draw over my face to change my identity. I was changed by adding tattoos to my skin, piercings and changing me into animals. It all started when I drew my eyes in and coloured my eyebrows and lips. Like what you do on a magazine photo. My tutor then suggested to give a photo of myself to people in my class and for them to change my identity.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

David Hockney.

For my FMP I have looked at a photographer called David Hockney.These were two pieces I looked at most, it is a photo montage of his mother and one of himself. I think this fitted into my identity project well as you cant actually see who the person in the photo is as there are many different parts missing. Hockney has inspired me to do my own versions of these photo montage, of people I know and photos of myself. What I like most about this work is that it is unusual and I don't see a lot of it around. I have created my own using Photo shop and Ive also made them 3D.


 Here are two of my own versions to this work.

 These are the 3D ones I have done. I have used the same photo to create these, where I have printed it multiple times and cut different parts to each photo and layered it onto one photo. I mainly focused on the eyes and mouth when creating these this is so that people can't identify who this person is. I am pleased with these outcomes and I am wanted to try some more. Maybe of a larger scale.