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Friday, 26 April 2013

Sarah Lucas.

 For my FMP I have looked at a photographer called Sarah Lucas. I have researched some of her work and come across one of them called 'Fighting Fire with Fire 20 Pack' This piece of work has inspired me as I am looking at 'Identity' I thought it would fit in well. To me Lucas has tried to hide her portrait using paint. The title includes 'Fire' may suggest why she has used red and orange colours to represent fire.
I have created my own versions of this piece.
      I have used a portrait or myself which a class friend had taken of me. I then tried to cover my identity by using water and ink to cover some of my features. I used the primary colours of red, yellow and blue. The first piece I had tried I used all three colours to try make it look effective. I also tried just red as it could represent fire like Sarah Lucas. The colour red also represents danger, and blood. I also tried another one with fiery colours red and yellow, which then made orange. I think this process has worked well for me as I have been experimental with a variety of different colours to see what work best to my theme.


This was the project 'journey'. We had to go for a 30 minute walk and focus on 2 things. I was looking at textures and signs. I came across these two plants and thought they were interesting so I took a photograph. As it was a quick walk I took my phone with me so these photographs have been taken on my blackberry. The top photograph looks like a silhouette of the tree, I though these looked effective as its not focused but I like it and think it is an interesting photograph. I like how the weather has made this photo more effective as the grey sky makes the plant stand out more. Also that there is a bit of sun in the corner. The second photograph is of some plant I came to while walking back to my house. I have taken it so there is a path in the background so that people can see that I am on walk.

Ikea Table.

Here's a few photographs I had taken in the Cardiff Ikea store. This is the table Rachel and I had made and had displayed in Ikea Exhibition along with some others from the Arts Academy in Cardiff University. All the tables were different and fitted into the theme. They were all to a high standard and were sell able products.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Spinning Wheel.

Today I have had the chance to use this pottery wheel. We were shown by our tutor on how to use it and will be able to use it ourselves.

Clay Fingerprints.

 This is some clay presses I have done using the fingerprint presses from last week. I have used Porcelain clay to create these presses. I have done a variety of different moulds of different fingers. I did this to look at the details of the fingerprint.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Abstraction. Tate Modern.

This is some of my Abstraction follow on project. Here I have shown what kind of research I looked at and where I have for my ideas from. This idea came from looking at rectangular shapes. I then cut out shapes and made it to a stencil and used paint to make the colour. I also used wallpaper to make it look textured. I have also posted my ideas for my poster, invites and private invite. I have chosen to bright vibrant colours to make them stand out more. My final poster looks vintage as I have scanned it in and changed a few of the settings on Photo shop. I used typeface called 'braggadocio' I thought this went well with the work I have done as it was block and went with the designs I had done. I then had used the same poster to make my private invite. I made it into a pop out book which I had been taught to make. I thought about this as it is an unusual shape when it is open. For my other invites I used the pattern from my poster again. But I rotated it and changed the channel on Photo shop to make them different colours so they aren't the same. I have also put my poster in the newspaper to advertise the Exhibition.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


It was my mums birthday yesterday and I brought her flowers. I decided to take some pictures and upload them to 'Instagram' a social app where you post photographs. I felt after I posted and done a quick edit on it, I quite liked it. I haven't taken flower pictures before but after taken this I would like to try and do some photographs of flowers.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Chesil Beach, Weymouth.

 Here's a few more photographs I had taken in Weymouth, at Chesil Beach. Here I was looking at the effects the waves were giving once hit the pebbles.

Cosplay Research.

This is some research I have, it is called 'cosplay'. I have looked at this because I am looking at Identity for my FMP, I thought this would be ideal. When I look at these pictures I see that the people in them are going out using a characters Identity rather than themselves. Which then makes them different as a person, like they are trying to hide something to do with themselves. The might even be doing this to make them be seen, as somebody else to make them self become famous.

These are photos of a scene from Dr Who:

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Visit to Portland, Weymouth.

Here are a few photographs I took earlier on today in Portland, Weymouth. I am here on a little holiday to see my dad and my step mum. As I don't live in this area and only visit I decided to take some pictures of some landscapes that I have viewed while being here. I got a variety of different shots looking at the sunset and the beach.