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Friday, 26 April 2013

Sarah Lucas.

 For my FMP I have looked at a photographer called Sarah Lucas. I have researched some of her work and come across one of them called 'Fighting Fire with Fire 20 Pack' This piece of work has inspired me as I am looking at 'Identity' I thought it would fit in well. To me Lucas has tried to hide her portrait using paint. The title includes 'Fire' may suggest why she has used red and orange colours to represent fire.
I have created my own versions of this piece.
      I have used a portrait or myself which a class friend had taken of me. I then tried to cover my identity by using water and ink to cover some of my features. I used the primary colours of red, yellow and blue. The first piece I had tried I used all three colours to try make it look effective. I also tried just red as it could represent fire like Sarah Lucas. The colour red also represents danger, and blood. I also tried another one with fiery colours red and yellow, which then made orange. I think this process has worked well for me as I have been experimental with a variety of different colours to see what work best to my theme.

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